Wigo4it - Social IT solutions
Platform for citizens with social benefits
Wigo4it offers IT solutions that support citizens and municipalities in providing social benefits and care, and increasing social participation with work. The main benefits are lower implementation and maintenance costs, and a higher-quality because products are adapted to specific needs, have a faster implementation, and have a stronger influence at the national level.
Together with municipalities, Wigo4it is building modern and reliable information systems — as a cooperation partner on innovations in the social domain. From a shared interest point: to support citizens and municipalities in guiding people to work, and applying for and providing benefits and care.

From May to December 2019, I worked as UX/UI-Designer on the Citizen Platform, and the web app, ‘Mijn Baan & Bijstand’. This web app gives people with social benefits and who occasionally work, insight on how their work affects their total income.
Discipline: Concept, Interactive Design, Visual Design
Tools: Sketch, InvisionApp and Design System Manager